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Heart Health Made Simple: Inflammation and Lifestyle Strategies That Work
Discover simple ways to boost heart health by managing stress, improving gut health, staying active, and reducing inflammation. Learn actionable tips and holistic strategies to support your heart and overall wellness. Start your journey to a healthier, happier you today!
5 Foods to Take Your Workout to the Next Level
Boost your workout performance with our expert guide on 5 powerhouse foods to fuel your fitness routine. Discover how beets, baking soda, cocoa, sea salt, and blueberries can enhance endurance, reduce muscle soreness, and support recovery. Packed with science-backed tips and a simple pre-workout smoothie recipe, this article is your go-to resource for optimizing nutrition. Perfect for fitness enthusiasts looking to maximize results naturally. Read now and take your fitness to the next level!
7 Ways to Cultivate a Healthy Mindset When You Are Stressed
Keeping things at a healthy balance takes eating right, exercising, getting good sleep, and focusing on dealing with stress in the right way. These four cornerstones of good health will bring you balance in all areas of your life—however, many struggle with keeping a healthy mindset when the stress feels out of control. In this article, learn about 7 things you can do to help manage stress.
3 Steps to Prepare Your Body for Cold & Flu Season
As we enter fall and winter, the misnomered cold and flu season, we must pay special attention to nourishing our bodies and supporting our immune systems. In today’s article, we’ll review three steps you can focus on to prepare your body for a time of heightened illness so you can remain strong and healthy!
Boost energy with the right food, not more caffeine
The most common reaction to low energy is to reach for another cup of coffee or an energy drink. Relying on caffeine is not only bad for your health, but it's a red flag that your gut needs some help and, most likely, that your adrenal glands are zonked as well. In this article, we'll look at foods that can cause your energy to tank and foods that can help nourish your body so you feel energized.
Why everyone should care about blood sugar spikes
Ninety percent of us suffer from too much glucose in our system – and most of us have no idea it’s an issue. In this article, I’ll break down the basics of glucose, explain why we all should be concerned about our blood sugar, and 5 easy things you can start doing today for FREE to help improve your blood sugar control.
The magic formula for good digestion
There’s a magic formula to good digestion. We need all three categories to have a healthy gut and a healthy body. Human health is largely determined by gut health. In this article, we’ll dive into what each of these categories are (prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics), why they’re important, and how to get them.
What to do when you get off track
When you get down on yourself for not being perfect, you don’t want to do anything! And that really doesn’t help anyone. So stop trying to be perfect. You will get off track, you will make mistakes, you will struggle. That’s part of being human. Nothing has gone wrong. In this article, Health Coach Lindsay Little, shares five strategies for what to do when you get off track.